I corsi monografici del Congresso Nazionale AIDI. The united colours of young dental patients. A workshop in communication skills

Ecco la presentazione di uno dei corsi monografici del Congresso Nazionale AIDI.

The united colours of young dental patients. A workshop in communication skills

Dott. Mário Rui Araújo’ (Lisbona – P), Dott.ssa Marjolijn Hovius (Wijdenes – NL),

Tutors: Dott.ssa Emilia d’Agostino (Genova), Dott.ssa Manuela Durand (Aosta),

Dott.ssa Scilla Sparabombe (Ancona)

Traduce Alessandra Lissoni (Milano), Enrica Scagnetto (Roma)


Communicating with patients from all ages can sometimes be very easy and sometimes be very complex. How come that you then do not seem to connect and what can you do about it?

In this workshop in communication skills we will address the following topics:

How different are our younger patients and how do we communicate with them?

Why is good communication so complex and how important it is for health behavioural changes?

What strategies can be applied? Which one works best for you and the patients?

The workshop will be challenging and fun but it expects from the participants a creative attitude and the will to try new concepts and new roads in behavioural change.

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